Good morning and welcome back!
Now that we've had a couple of days of more information-heavy posts, I wanted to bring some cozy baking to this week.
Fall is a time to prepare for winter, yes, and there are a million topics I see value in and want to share, but we are running out of time! Already!
So, in the spirit of fall, I have created for you a rainy day tea time loaf. The seasonal stars of this recipe are carrots and beets. Carrots in Canada are usually harvested nearing the end of summer and into fall, along with beets being harvested between September and November.
Carrots are packed with the dynamic duo of beta-carotene and fiber. They fuel our vision with every bite, as beta-carotene ignites eye health, keeping your vision sharp and vibrant. They are also an excellent source of fiber to power up your digestion while also keeping your heart strong and steady.
Beets are bursting with betaine and nitrate. Betaine will help you fight off inflammation and oxidative stress while nurturing your liver. Nitrate helps open pathways for enhanced blood flow, lowering your pressure, and fueling your endurance.
The sneaky addition of vegetables into our baking is a great way to boost the nutrient level of our sweet treats. The same goes for adding in egg white powder and protein powder. There are many people who don’t enjoy the taste or texture of a protein shake/smoothie, so adding it into a baked good is a great way to level up the protein content and promote satiety.
There truly are no limits to the art of food creation, especially when it comes to baking. There are so many ways to make healthy alternatives. The real trick is expanding our perception of what it “should” taste like as we are creating alternatives, new flavors, and textures. I find that in my personal journey, I have hesitated to share A LOT of recipes as the people in my physical environments and circles may not share the same interests when it comes to foods. Therefore, their taste buds are still very much accustomed to hyper-palatable and calorically dense foods. For me, however, I have been testing, sampling, creating for years to find ways to enjoy and recreate things we typically enjoy not just in a guilt-free way but in a feel-great way.
For this reason and many others I am so truly grateful to have this community to share my love of health and wellness with.
So, not every new recipe will be as sweet or as heavy. Maybe there’s no icing, maybe it’s gluten-free from time to time. But each recipe has a deeper intention behind it than hitting dopamine receptors and satisfying my sweet tooth. There is always a careful selection of quality ingredients, there is always curiosity to find new flavour combinations, and in achieving both, I achieve a way of cooking and baking that makes me feel proud, nourished, and excited to share.
Short and sweet today, and I hope this inspires you to get creative with what is in season for fall in your baking this year!